The wildlife, tourism & leisure industry in Tanzania is key to economic development and prosperity with the constant growth and expansion of its activities in the country.
Victory Attorneys & Consultants recognizes diversity in legal issues involved in the sector and assists clients in securing permits including hunting permits, facilitating franchising arrangements and joint ventures, securing investment incentives for rehabilitation projects, advising clients on finance and restructuring, general contracting, mergers and acquisitions and corporate management. We are renowned for assisting wildlife ranch owners in securing requisite concessions and permits.
Our wildlife and tourism practice extends to assisting clients in discharging their Environmental Impact Assessment legal obligations and in representing clients in arbitration and litigation proceedings.
Our clients in the sector include hotel/restaurant/resort managers and owners, hotel operators, wildlife ranchers, apartments, amusement parks and night clubs. We also assist operators, event planners, tour operators, and sporting events organizers on regulatory compliance amongst other services.