Bertha Nanyaro



  • Bertha is a vibrant and ambitious Corporate-Commercial Lawyer and Investment Advisor
    with vast knowledge and experience in cross-sectoral practice aspects with sector focus
    on high-investment undertakings in Construction Ventures, Wildlife & Tourism, Climate
    Change & Environmental Conservation as well as Mining & Energy. Bertha advises clients
    on the most complex and high-profile legal and investment issues in the referred sector
    areas, additionally, she represents operators in these industries in the high-level
    government and stakeholders’ engagements as well as commercial and labor ADRs &
    Bertha is very passionate about sustainable climate, wildlife management and
    education. She takes very active role in various climate and educational initiatives at
    professional and charity levels. She has advised various multi-jurisdictional companies in
    realization of various special wildlife management ventures as well as voluntary carbon
    offset projects in response to decline of hunting industry and climate change impacts.

    She has also participated in various environmental management undertaking as private
    voluntary initiatives with various grassroot communities and other stakeholders over the
    years and these has helped her identify innovative mitigation measures for communities,
    as well as business operations. Bertha have been very strong advocate for policies and
    regulations that addresses climate change impacts and protection of natural
    biodiversity. As a climate change and sustainable development advocate, she is
    committed to creating and being part of initiatives for sustainable future for all and she
    believe through innovative approaches and stakeholders’ collaborations we can
    achieve sustainable future with sustainable climate and ultimately sustainable
    development complementing the UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement.

Notable Archivement
  • Bertha has advised multiple multinational corporations namely Bouygues Energies & Services on competition-related issues for international construction service arrangements. She has been the lead counsel in advising the company the transmission line projects of over 400 Kilovolts, with contracts price exceeding $37M;
  • Bertha successfully advised, negotiated and drafted high profile Management/Governance Policies, Shareholding Agreements and Subscription Agreements among hospital company and its merging pharmaceutical partner with combined turnover of over TZS. 110B, the transaction which resulted in the change of overall corporate management, performance, equity participation and realization of profit among equity participants. Additionally, she advised and assisted these two companies on FCC- market competition and Taxation clearances for this specific transaction;
  • She has been co-lead counsel and very instrumental in instigating liquidation proceedings for the first insurance company namely Star General Insurance Limited in undertaking voluntary winding up in Tanzania which not only involved rigorous discussion with regulators, engagement with creditors, settlement of claims, laying off employees, reconciliation and settlement with re-insurers as well as disposition of assets and collection of receivables;
  • Advised and assisted foreign export company operating under EPZA special export zones (SEZ) in negotiation and settlement of outstanding loan facility exceeding TZS 12B with international Bank operating in Tanzania, which resulted into payment of less than TZS. 4B, significantly helping both parties in avoiding unnecessary legal battles and financial risks;
  • Bertha is currently setting precedent as a co-lead counsel and investment advisor advising and assisting various nature conservation companies focusing on voluntary carbon offset projects. In essence she has assisted Greencop Development PTE in acquisition of over 5Million Hectares of land for voluntary nature-based carbon offset projects;
  • Advised various clients in wildlife and tourism in acquisition of special wildlife concession areas for tourism purposes (tour safaris, accommodation facilities, hunting blocks, ranches, and other eco- tourism concession projects/investment ventures).
  • Bertha has an excellent track record on successfully representing clients (Local & Foreign contractors), mining and insurance companies on various ADRs and Litigations at all Courts Levels in Tanzania (CMA, NCC, TIArb, FCT, TCC, and so forth respectively. Just to mention, she always strives to ensure that clients are not subjected to unnecessary legal wrangles and or financial risks, by dedicating time to assist clients in pursuing claims amicably and in the cases where claims escalate to trials, she maintains more than 85% of success.
Professional Affiliation
  • Tanganyika Law Society
  • East Africa Law Society
  • Member at Tanzania PPP Professionals Association
  • Associate Member at Chartered Institute of Arbitration, Kenya & London
  • Member- SADC Lawyers Association
  • Member of EALS construction committee