Valued for exceptional economic crime and plea bargaining strategies

Victory Attorneys & Consultants comes highly recommended in Economic and organized crime practice. The firm has unparalleled experience in protecting corporate clients, executives, board members, and wealthy individuals facing complex accusation on money laundering, administrative sanctions, corruption, economic and organized crimes, cybercrime and other financial crime investigations. Our criminal defense team is led by a retired Deputy Director of Public Prosecution who possesses an experience of more than five decades in Crimes related matters. 

The firm excels at successfully negotiating plea bargains, building watertight defenses, strategizing winning court arguments, obtaining bail on complex matters and minimizing penalties.  Our expert team goes beyond defense to equip corporations and individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to prevent criminal issues. We offer strategic guidance, help build robust compliance programs, whistleblowing programs and ensure effective implementation and monitoring.


  • Assisted telecom company's criminal liability from TZS 75 billion to TZS 12 billion and secured acquittal for all accused individuals.
  • Secured plea deal for a client involved in complex economic crimes on pyramid scheme with over 1,000 victims for collection of  over Tzs. 100 billion from the general public.
  • Set a precedent for successfully securing a plea and bail for  a syndicated multijurisdictional actors charged of money laundering and stuck in jail for more than 8years without trial. 
  • Secured a favorable plea deal for telecom company facing multijurisdictional import charges.
  • Successfully resolved cases of unlawful possession of firearms and guided various tour clients through firearm procurement, importation, and licensing.
  • Successfully settled an international financial dispute that involved foreign actors, immigration and prosecution departments of Tanzania over unlawfully expatriation of funds over the required threshold.
  • Regularly consulted by banks, financial institutions, tour operators, and construction stakeholders for expertise in financial crimes, cyber security, investigations, and prosecutions.
  • Achieved successful settlement in an international financial dispute involving foreign actors and Tanzanian authorities like immigration and prosecution office for unlawfully expatriation.